Hunters and gatherers - attention! Beginning today, it's raining medals on DocCheck. The colourful awards will be handed to especially dedicated DocCheck members.
There is a reason why DocCheck is called "Your Social MedWork", because in Europe's biggest healthcare community, exchange of experiences, mutual support and the medical being together is what counts. Now you can earn and proudly present the following DocCheck awards - also called Badges - in your community profile:
Image contributor: For sharing your medical images from all specialities on the image database DocCheck Pictures.
Producer: For shares on DocCheck TV, the medical television channel: interviews, operation live recordings and other medical videos.
Flexionist: For new articles and corrections of existing entries on the Flexikon, DocCheck´s medical lexicon.
Publisher: For uploading very informative presentations, lecture notes and other documents on DocCheck Publish.
Casuist: For a helpful, motivated exchange on DocCheck Ask: ask experts, discuss medical cases or respond to colleagues´questions.
Commentator: For frequent thought-provoking impulses and active commenting on DocCheck Blogs or DocCheck News.
Member: For a complete Community Profile including a profile picture, that shows your colleagues who you are.
Medicipator: For an extraordinary knowledge exchange in the context of our Medicipate-activities on the Community InSite International. If you have any questions, just have a look at our FAQs or contact us! And now let's get the badges! Kind regards,