Human neonatology needs early diagnosis, even intrauterine, if possible. Modern medicine allows treatment and rehabilitation of these children so that they can go to a regular school, study and live independent.For all this there is no money in Romania, the people are not able to afford the care privately. Around 600 of these kids are born per year, most of them are given away to foster homes or die at home. Up until a few years these kids were called “vegetables”, they had no right to live. The disease was not known, just like in western Europe 70 years ago. These children need – like any other kid – adequate treatment, rehabilitation and attendance, often over longer time frames.
We are collaborating with 30 neurosurgeons from 7 large hospitals in Romania. They became a member of our organization and form our scientific advisory board, based on the model of ASBH-Dortmund. We also organized training sessions for romanian neurosurgeons at the Klinikum für Neurochirurgie Mainz.Each year we attend the conference of the ASBH-Dortmund and also organize our own conferences in Bukarest with international guests. Further information: