The illustration shows the female breast in a sagittal disection. Fatty and glandular tissue are pictured.
In the background there is a mammography image of the same breast.
Both images show a tumor with radiating offshoots.
Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. It is a carcinoma of the glandular breast tissue and is most often (over 50 %) located in the outer quadrant.
It and appears most often in the 5th and 6th decade of life, but 30% of all patients are younger than 40 years. There are genetic risk factors that predispose for the disease. Other influences are: Adipositas, diabetes, endocrine factors - hormones may encourage cell growth.
Early detection of a node or tumor happens via self-examination or mammography, in high risk patients also MRI. In mammography the tumor appears white because of calcified deposits.In the early phase of the disease it is curable, if it has metastasized often only palliative care is possible.
Many modern therapies have been developed in recent years which have significantly increased the survival time of breast cancer patients.
(healthy breast)
(healthy breast and mammogram)
(healthy breast and mammogram and cell)
(breast and mammogram with cancer)
(breast and mammogram with cancer 2)
(breast and mammogram with cancer and close up of tumor)