Median-sagittal-disection of a female body: Abdomen and pelvis
All of the organs inside the pelvis and retroperetoneal that are connected to urine production (kidneys) and discharge (ureters and bladder) and all sexual organs are pictured.
Visible are: the rectus abdominis muscles, symphysis, Labia (majores et minores), ureter and bladder, vagina, uterus, uterine tubes, fimbria, ovary, anus, rectum, vertrebral column with sacrum, c
Speziell zu sehen sind: Bauchmuskel (M. rectus abdominis), Symphyse, Schamlippen (Labiae majores et minores), Harnröhre und Blase, Vagina (Scheide), Uterus (Gebärmutter), Tuba uterina (Eileiter), Fimbrien, Ovar (Eierstock), After (Anus), Rektum (Dickdarm), Columna vertebralis bzw. Os sacrum, coccyx, spinal cord, gluteal area.
The two deepest point of the female peritoneal space are: The vesicouterine pouch, between bladder and uterus, and the rectouterine pouch, between rectum and uterus. In case of inflammation with fluid production the fluids collect in these spaces.