Brains......Brains! Image of the Week - January 16, 2017
CIL:49453 -
Description: High-resolution, large-scale mosaic image for a full coronal mouse tissue showing global views of different brain regions, as well as cellular and subcellular details, identified distinct localization of PKA RIβ and RIIβ regulatory subunits. Triple labeled for Nuclei (Hoescht stain, blue), RIβ (cy3, red) and RIIβ (Alexa 488, green). This image is a maximum projection of the Z-stack through the tissue, and has been downsampled from the raw data image, which can be accessed using the link provided to the Cell Image Library.
Authors: Ronit Ilouz, Varda Lev-Ram, Eric Bushong, Travis Stiles, Dinorah Friedmann-Morvinski, Christopher Douglas, Geoffrey Goldberg, Mark Ellisman, and Susan Taylor
Licensing: Public Domain: This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. However, as is the norm in scientific publishing and as a matter of courtesy, any user should credit the content provider for any public or private use of this image whenever possible.