Schematic of the mitosis of a eukaryotic nucleus.
I: initiale ProphaseThe centrioles are together and the chromosomes condense or have condensed.II: ProphaseThe centrioles divide and the nucleolus disappears.III: PrometaphaseThe nuclear membrane begins to break down (signifies prometaphase, here not yet pictured) and the kinetochore and polar microtubules form.
IV: MetaphaseThe chromosomes are maximally condensed. They begin to line up along the metaphase plate (imaginary equatorial plane). The microtubules are fully formed.V+VI: AnaphaseThe sister chromatids seperate and move towards the opposite poles of the cell.
VII+VIII: TelophaseNew nucleotide membranes form and nucleoli appear. The chromosomes unwind and at the end rRNA production starts up again.