Diagnosis: Splenomegaly and splenic rupture in a patient with malaria
A completely removed spleen, 450 g, 14 x 10 x 5 cm. The entire surface is decapsulated and shows 0,4 cm large dark red blood stains. On the cut a visible follicular texture is visible.
Additional finding:
Histologically the spleen shows intracellular pigmentation, small granulated and dark. This can point towards a malaria infection or formalin pigmentation. Additionally there are increased amounts of plasma cells and neutrophil granulocytes, showing a chronic active inflammation. We also see a large subcapsular hematoma which probably led to the rupture. A lymph node on the hilus shows hyperplasia of the pulp. No parasites we detected histologically.
Clinical presentation:
38 year old male patient, spontaneous splenic rupture after infection with malaria.
(Source: ©PathoPic)