Tricuspid valve replacement. The tricupid valve is a heart valve structurally ranked among the atrioventricular valves. It is located between the right atrium, and the right ventricle of the heart and inhibits a systolic backflow of the blood from the right ventricle into the atrium. Heart valves lose their function due to calcification or inflammatory processes, be it due to the inability to close, or the increasing narrowing. This causes severe pathological alterations in the heart with heartfailure as a long-term consequence. Therefore, the leaky valve has to be reconstructed or replaced at the appropriate time. For valve replacement, modern biological valves, mostly pig valves or bovine pericardial valves, are available.
Regarding biological valves in the aortal position, our clinic is predominantly using valves without frame with a bigger interior diameter and faster post-operative recovery. Currently, the trend tends to biological valve replacements, however, mechanical valves keep their significance in heart surgeries. Here, valves are divided into one-winged and two-winged valves. Mechanical valves currently require anticoagulation therapy with medication.