Tooth decay is one of the main problems in our oral health, being this an aspect that should be considered from an early age. Adequate hygiene will allow a healthy denture and good dental aesthetics.
Cavities represent the main risk factor for teeth, and for this reason, it is convenient to know what causes this disease and what actions should be taken to prevent its appearance.
Contents []
1 What are tooth decay?
2 How cavities form in your mouth
3 Explaining cavities to a child
3.1 Step 1: Present the enemy
3.2 Step 2: How it is installed in the teeth
3.3 Step 3: Attack and prevent
4 Consequences of cavities
5 Caries: symptoms and treatments
5.1 Treatments
This informatión is property of Pirámide Alimenticia
What are tooth decay?
The mouth is the perfect habitat for the proliferation of bacteria. About 600 different species coexist in the oral cavity, through the saliva they move through the digestive tract and are eliminated by the organism. However, when there is poor hygiene can be installed in the gums, tongue and teeth. Cavities appear when bacteria lodge in dental tissues, progressively destroying their structure.
Cavities can permanently lodge in the teeth, causing perforations or holes in deep layers. It is a disease that can cause infection, pain and total or partial loss of the affected tooth. According to their characteristics they are distinguished in three types:
Coronal: its appearance is very frequent, especially in the infantile stage and in middle ages. This type mainly attacks the dental area that makes the function of chewing.
Radicular: arises as a result of an advanced stage of the disease, usually occurs in elderly individuals who have had periodontal problems with exposure of the dental root. It is considered high risk because it compromises the nerve and avoids tooth restoration.
Recurrent: it is one of the most difficult to eliminate, its appearance is common after reconstructions due to dental fractures, previous caries treatments or replacements.
How cavities form in your mouth
The process of caries formation is prolonged, and time is a fundamental factor for its appearance. In order for this disease to affect a tooth, it must go through the following stages:
Plaque: originates from the consumption of foods rich in sugar and starch. When there is a poor oral hygiene, it remains stuck to the teeth forming a transparent film that feeds bacteria. The plaque hardens at the root of the gum causing a protection for bacteria difficult to remove with brushing.
Erosion: once the plaque attacks the enamel of the teeth, a process of demineralization is initiated that originates small holes. It is an erosion caused by bacteria and affects a soft layer called "dentine". Dentin communicates with the nerves of the tooth, causing sensitivity when consuming cold food.
Destruction: This is the most painful stage. At this point the signs of tooth decay are emphasized, affecting the nerves and blood vessels. Inflammation of the lower part of the tooth presses on the nerve causing pain, affecting the root, and even the bone.
How to explain cavities to a child
For children, simplicity is practical. In their stage sweets abound and are considered their favorite appetizer. It is difficult to explain to them how something so appetizing can affect dental health.
The ideal time to discuss tooth decay with children is to speak their language, get down to their level by simply exposing how you can impede the healthy development of their teeth and how important it is to their personal appearance.
It's a good idea to start with an interesting and fun story about the step-by-step formation of cavities, emphasizing the threat it poses to your health.
Step 1: Introduce the Enemy
Just like your favourite cartoon, when talking about cavities with children it is necessary to explain in detail, but in a fun way, everything related to their appearance. Children don't care about scientific terms, the ideal for this case is to indicate that cavities can affect the teeth causing holes or ruptures that can be painful and cause tooth loss.
Step 2: How it is installed in the teeth
Once the threat has been identified, the reasons why the cavities appear should be indicated to them. At this point we can talk in a simple way about the parts of a tooth, highlighting the dental enamel as a protective layer that can be destroyed by the absence of oral hygiene or an incorrect method of brushing. The continuous exposure of foods rich in sugar is one of the main causes of tooth decay in children. Make them see that