Many people all over the world suffer from myopia, also known as nearsightedness. A severe elongation of the eyeball is the cause behind it. If it continues to progress, it ultimately leads to complete loss of vision. Now an innovative medical device intends to stop this progression in the future.
In this interview with, Dr. Mike Francke talks about the new and unique treatment approach, explains its functionality and effectiveness and reveals the next steps of his task force.
Dr. Francke, what is pathological myopia?
Dr. Mike Francke: Pathological myopia is a progressive, ongoing and therefore severe form of nearsightedness. It has pathologic consequences for the retina and choroid. Nearsightedness is caused when the eyeball grows too long. You can compare this to a balloon that keeps getting bigger due to an increase in internal air pressure, because it is mechanically too soft, whereas a soccer ball is dimensionally stable. In the case of pathological myopia, the sclera is too weak in terms of biomechanical properties. The retina and blood vessels are unable to withstand the stretching and tear. Not only does this result in severe vision loss but also leads to retinal degeneration and subsequently blindness. ...
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