In the course of our relaunch, all previous InSites have become Channels. With regards to the new platform, a few things have changed in terms of design and functionality. To let you know what your channel looks like now and which functions you can use in the future, we have put together a small overview of the new platform for you.
In contrast to the old version, all information on DocCheck is organized in the form of channels which you can follow. By following these channels you customise your personal news feed. The channels are filled with information by other users, bloggers, professional societies or companies. In addition, there are topic channels for different medical fields which are operated by DocCheck.Name: What was once called an InSite now appears in the new design of a Channel.Linking: Users who want to visit a former InSite or a post on this InSite will later (i.e. after the new DocCheck replaces the old platform) be automatically forwarded to the respective channel/post in the new portal.HowTos: In order for you to explore the new platform step by step, we have created short instructions on the most important functions and areas for you.
Header image: The header image is new and gives your channel a fresh, new face. It can be exchanged regularly, e.g. for campaigns. Depending on the device you're using, it adapts to the respective screen size.Cover picture: The picture is automatically placed into a round shape (modifications are still possible afterwards). In the smallest version, which can be seen in the news feed, the image is only 40x40 px, so we generally do not recommend too detailed pictures.Title: Keep it short and concise. 50% of our users access the website via mobile devices. Long titles break and disappear at some point.Subtitles: The subtitle of the former InSite was not automatically transferred but it can be inserted again in the description text of the channel.Imprint: The tab "Imprint" does not exist on the new platform. In the new tab "Info", all contact information (at least name and eMail address) as well as information about the imprint (imprint obligation) can be found.Content Pages (additional tabs): If your former InSite had additional tabs, these have also been transferred to the new platform. A general editing option for the Content Pages is planned to be implemented.How to create and edit a channel is explained in our article "HowTo: Channels".
Owner: As the creator (owner) of an InSite, you have been adopted as the channel owner in the new portal. You can publish posts via your channel, edit channel information and invite up to 10 members (Administrators or Editors) to your channel via eMail. For this to work, they also need a DocCheck account.Editors: Editors can publish content on behalf of the channel.Administrators: Administrators can publish content on behalf of the channel, edit channel info and invite new members.
You can find out how to invite members to your channel in our article "HowTo: Channels".
Articles (decorative images): Images that appeared within articles (i.e. in continuous text) were not automatically adopted, but can be inserted into the article again via "Edit".Notes: Notes were converted to articles.Posts with visibility "private": These posts were not transferred to the new portal, because they do not reflect any of the current visibility options (Visible for: Everybody, DocCheck members, medical members). Following the former visibility "private", it is now possible to save drafts of posts for the time being ("Save as draft") or to publish them at a set time ("Publish later").
You can find out how to create and edit contributions in our contribution "HowTo: Posts".For 2020 you can expect the following features: