Whether it's an operating robot or an insulin pump, innovation has always accompanied medical specialists and has had a decisive influence on specialist areas. Here at DocCheck, we are into communication and learning - that's why we would like to show you some new projects from the DocCheck Lab and invite you to test VR and more live.
There is something for everyone:
Flexikon Tutor Expand your knowledge
An article rarely comes alone - it brings its relatives. To find the rest of the family, we have written an algorithm that analyzes data streams and suggests suitable content for the topic.
Release: December 2017
Flexikon Skill for Alexa Hear, hear: We take care of your learning progress
You don't have a free hand? Simply control the Flexikon by voice. Whether definition, symptom or clinic - Alexa will read the medical dictionary to you. Do sports, cook an egg – and look up anything you’re interested in.
A nice side effect: you'll learn the pronunciation as well.
Release: October 2017
VR Radiology These bones are made for touching
It started with 3D models. These were well received in the Flexikon as support for anatomy lessons - but that was not enough: That's why we developed an application to work directly with the models using Leap Motion technology and VR glasses.
"Touch" the human skeleton, scale it, study blood vessels, muscles, and more. You want to know what humans look like from inside? Also compare the model with real patient scans - layer by layer.
Release: tba
Would you like to see the projects live?
We will be presenting them at MEDICA in Düsseldorf, Germany from 13th to 16th November. Arrange an appointment now:
(You will be forwarded to an appointment form. Please chose 1-2 dates and leave a valid email address. It cannot be seen by others and will only be used to confirm your appointment.)
More information via community@doccheck.com