Often it is debated that who is more strong-men or women. Some stand in support of feminine strength that endures child’s birth and nurturing throughout. Others say that men are much stronger in physical abilities and they strongly support their families through every thick and thin of life. Patients reaching center of pain management Greenville include both the genders. When it comes to bearing spinal problems which gender do you think is suffering more? To surprise many of you the answer is men.
Why Males Are More Affected
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus still these two share the sufferings of life. The medical experts claim that more number of women visits their clinics and hospitals with complaints of back pain. Interestingly males however are more prone to back pain their presence is seen to be negligible in the center of pain management Henderson. Ever wondered why does it happen? Is it your father who hides his spinal condition thinking that it is so feminine to have a bad back?
Poor Attitude-According to a latest research of human psychology, males overlook back pain and avoid visiting the chiropractor for finding relief. This brings them more of pain and sufferings. Women are comparatively more serious and concerned about their health. Possibly males try to exhibit their robust and strong side by skipping the visits to their doctors.
Busy Schedule- The scenario finds deep roots because of the added responsibilities on the shoulders of men. They are too occupied in their jobs, with families that they do not have resources to take care of their backs. Also this is generally seen that men are careless towards their health.
Sedentary Lifestyle- Another aspect of their bad spinal health is their bad eating habits. Men a
re usually observed to pay little or absolutely no attention to what they eat. Women are positively inclined to maintain healthy body weight and lifestyle. On the other hand men take their food habits very casually. They are not particular about exercising and other physical activities. On the top of it they are travelling more in comparison to their female counterparts at work.
Smoking And Drinking- There is no denying that women too drink and smoke in Modern America but tendency among males is much higher than in females. These two have proven to be harmful for numerous reasons and are especially recommended to quit if you have a troubled back. As males socialize and party more than females they are more prone to get exposed to back pain.
Among teenagers as well males get addicted to these two habits quite earlier. Hence the chances are likely to have a bad back as they age older.