Normally Platelets found in the body releases in a slow manner some growth factors to promote healing. Granting, at times the doctor might need to contain these growth factors within platelets so that it’s immediately accessible for promoting healing faster.
Normally Platelets found in the body releases in a slow manner some growth factors to promote healing. Granting, at times the doctor might need to contain these growth factors within platelets so that it’s immediately accessible for promoting healing faster. This is used in areas that are affected by disease or damage.
However, in certain areas of your body where doctors use PRP/Platelet Rich Plasma, it might cause a lot of inflammation. Therefore, they prefer to create a Platelet Lysate solution. This is done by cracking the Platelets open and allowing all growth factors to promptly be released into your body.
It’s a purely concentrated solution of the growth factors found in plasma once platelets were removed and activated. This regenerative solution that doctor’s use has minimal inflammatory reactions and it’s immediately very active. It’s a preferred solution to treat areas of injured nerves, new stem cells, and in your epidural space.
This procedure can provide relief for a variety of conditions, although, it may vary in effectiveness. It helps the body to do what comes naturally, yet, because every patient’s healing process is different, it will reflect those results. This means that some patients might only need a single treatment, where others will require additional treatments.
Additionally, the reaction may depend on the following factors.
Different conditions or health factors that may attribute to slow healing
Activities after the treatment
Your overall health condition
Response and status of your immune system
Degrees of the damage
The specific area that is damaged
A patient’s age
There are many advantages with such an innovative therapy which can outweigh problems commonly related to different treatments like steroid injections or surgeries.
Advantages of Platelet Lysate therapy may include the following:
It’s related to healing over the long-term
Easy to perform and prepare
Less inflammatory effects
Recovery periods can be short
Natural cell regeneration
Using a person’s own power of healing
Such a procedure speeds up the process of natural healing due to the fact that growth factors can be available immediately to tissues that are damaged. It will be directly injected into the area that is damaged, immediately starting the process of healing.
It’s possible to apply Platelet Lysate treatment therapy any number of times. This will depend on what your body may need. When experiencing great improvement its fine to slow down or even stop treatments. On the other hand, when the body is in need of extra support, there won’t be a problem to carry on with the treatment.
Treatments with injections of PRP/Platelet Rich Plasma, as well as Platelet Lysate contains components of healing and growths that is collected from a person’s own blood. This is used to increase the body’s ability of naturally repairing itself.
These procedures can be used to repair muscle, ligament, tendon, and joint injuries. Thus, it has become very popular among professional athletes. The injections are very effective due to the fact that it stimulates stem cells in the area that is targeted. It promotes those cells to work harder on tissue that is damaged for quicker healing. It is generally used for conditions of the spine, injuries of soft tissues, and mild arthritis.
This procedure has less pain and fewer complications than what surgery offers. The doctor will discuss your condition and how the therapy can help you. Together a decision might be made whether it may be right for you.
It’s a fairly simple procedure and the following steps can be done:
To re-inject a mixture of Platelet Lysate into tissues that are damaged, cells are removed from a person’s own blood.
A tiny sample of the blood gets collected to separate platelets out of other components of the blood in order to create PRP/Platelet Rich Plasma.
This will then be subjected to a couple of series of freezing and thawing cycles. This carefully breaks the platelets apart to release its growth factors.
The Platelet Lysate results can then be combined together with just a tiny quantity of some anti-inflammatory medication such as Dexamethasone prior to being injected. Once done, it is injected into the area that is damaged using fluoroscopy or ultrasound which is guided techniques.
Once the procedure is done, you need to plan for enough rest, plus restricting activities for at least forty-eight hours. It might take some time before you will realize that the treatment is working. But once your activities or movements increases and you experience less pain you will know. You can decrease or increase treatments depending on how you feel.