Pregnancy is the time when a girl slowly transforms into a woman. More of responsibility and lot much new things to learn is what is pregnancy all about. During those hopeful months would be mother goes through many changes in her body. Hormonal changes and physical challenges are actually quite demanding. Being moody and craving for some or other thing is common with most of the pregnant ladies. On this, back pain takes a toll on their life. Low back pain treatment without wasting any time plays important role in making pregnancy period less painful.
Many expecting mothers experience low back pain but only few visit doctors for herniated disc treatment Greenville. However the reverse should be done. If you or your relative or friend who is pregnant is suffering through back pain, you should seek immediate medical assistance. Delaying the consult with a qualified doctor may leave the back pain in your life for the rest of the years.
Recently a study was done on what kind of back pain treatments are the most beneficial for pregnant women. This study was conducted on 169 women who were 24 to 28 months pregnant. These women were divided into two groups. While the first group was given only routine obstetric care, the second group members received routine care with musculoskeletal care. The latter group members were provided with manual therapy and patient education from chiropractic specialists. Also they were engaged in stabilization exercises.
The results were significantly different. Women in the first group hardly showed any improvements in their lower back and pelvic pain, the second group members exhibited painless behavior. The treatments provided to them helped them reduce pain in their lower back.
Take Home Message- Talk to your doctor for the safest treatment method for alleviating back pain during pregnancy. You have wide choices from acupuncture to chiropractic care. Every pregnant woman should also do some stretches at home and meditate twice in a day for feeling peace and happy.