Summer can be a particularly hard time to keep active, little children safe. Suggestions are offered to help.
I was buying some sunscreen the other day and was amazed at the number of sunscreens on the shelf said to be for infants. The American Academy of Pediatrics repeatedly says that infants from birth to six months should not have sunscreen put on their skin. I don't understand what the manufacturers are doing, so parents have to be aware of this caution. All children and babies need hats to protect them from the summer sun and to be under big umbrellas, if they are playing in the sand at the beach. I often see parents with hats on, while the kids go unprotected. A first-aid kit is wise to have when you are away from home or traveling, particularly if a child touches a hot grill.
Drowning is a particular concern in the summer months, whether it is in a swimming pool, lake, or the ocean. Children can drown very quickly, so an adult should always be in charge and not reading a magazine or have their eyes closed. I've had to take care of several children who drowned or half-drowned and were left brain damaged. All children should be taught about water safety and learn to swim, as soon as possible.
Hot dogs are fun for older children at picnics, but little ones can easily choke. Pieces of cheese, raw carrots, other raw vegetables, and hard candies can also cause a little child to choke. Now there is a concern about the small magnets in many toys. Children swallow these and they burn a hole in the esophagus or feeding tube and deaths have resulted.
So with some wise precautions, your children should have a safe and fun summer.