Almost 80% population suffers from back injury or spinal pain at some point of time. There are several reasons behind it. It can be due to poor physical condition, posture or health. Sometimes, the pain can be temporary and the patient can recover within 2-12 week time-frame. However, sometimes the situation gets worse. Cary is the best place where you can find the best center for treatment. You can use latest surgical techniques to treat spine problems easily. The pain center Raleigh NC treats spinal compression fractures, disc herniations, degenerative spine conditions, etc to ensure best health. It is one of the best way to treat pain related to the spine from the core. But what can be the cause behind spinal pain?
Sprain and strain: sprain and strain are the real reasons behind spinal pain. Sprain is the result of tearing or overstretching ligaments and strains are considered to be tears in muscle and tendon. Both of them results in lifting or twisting things carelessly.
Compression of sciatic nerve: it is another reason, which can lead to spinal pain. It results in pain through the buttocks and down one leg, reaching the foot sometimes. Extreme pain is generally followed by numbness and muscle weakness in the leg. Through spinal pain treatment Cary, it is easy to overcome the discomfort and pain.
Herniated or ruptured discs: this condition is the result of intervertebral discs compressing and bulging outwards. This can lead to pain and irritation. If not treated early, it can result in chronic pain.
Dealing with pain is easy if the treatment is right. Change in lifestyle and busy schedule can contribute in the origin of these disorders. Taking care of pain is necessary from the beginning. With proper exercise, medication and doctor advise, one can avoid surgeries.