At the base of the buccal cavity, which is surrounded by specialized cytoplasm, an oral rib lined passage opens through the cytostome to the single membrane lined cytopharynx which is corrugated by microtubular lamellae. Discoidal vesicles accumulate here and wait to fuse with the cytopharyngeal membrane to provide membrane for food vacuole growth. TEM taken on 8/15/67 by R. Allen with Philips 200 operating at 60kV. Neg. 12,400X. Bar = 0.5?m. The negative was printed to paper and the image was scanned to Photoshop. This digitized image is available for qualitative analysis. There is a high resolution version of this image in the library (CIL:39719) which is available for quantitative analysis. Additional information available at (
Biological Process: Oral apparatus organization
Standard glutaraldehyde fixation followed by osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in alcohol and embedded in an epoxy resin. Microtome sections prepared at approximately 75nm thickness. Additional information available at (
Author: Richard Allen (University of Hawaii)
Source: The Cell: An Image Library