Opercularia coarctata. Transmission electron micrograph of contracted cell body. This ciliate does not have rows of basal body/cilia over its whole surface but has cilia in the oral region and in a trochal band area. The pellicle is sculpted into ridges and grooves that circle the body. A layer of endoplasmic reticulum lies under the pellicle next to a layer of myonemal fibers. The macronucleus, contractile vacuole, mitochondria, and peristomeare evident in this view. TEM taken on 6/12/69 by R. Allen with Philips 300 operating at 60kV. Neg. 4,270X. Bar = 1?m.
Biological Process: Macronucleus organization, Cortical cytoskeleton organization, Cytoplasm organization
Standard glutaraldehyde fixation followed by osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in alcohol and embedded in an epoxy resin. Microtome sections prepared at approximately 75nm thickness. A print of the negative was scanned and processed in Photoshop. This image is suitable for qualitative analysis. There is a high resolution version of this image in the library (CIL:39193) which is available for quantitative analysis. Additional information available at (http://www5.pbrc.hawaii.edu/allen/).
Author: Richard Allen
Source: The Cell: An Image Library